Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Yang Tai Chi 108 Form Instruction Video #27: White Crane Spreads Its Wings

This video brings us back to a movement that we have already learned, so this is essentially a review.  The transition and direction of this movement is the same as 5th movement of this form, so I have included the instruction video for move 5 here as well in case this review is not detailed enough.  However, it is my hope that if you are ready to watch the 27th video in this series, you are familiar enough with the previous movements of this form that a quick review is all you will need to move forward.

Here is the 27th video in this series:

Here is the video that describes the 5th movement of this form (also White Crane Spreads Its Wings) in greater detail, in case you need a more in-depth review:

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