Friday, September 9, 2022

What is the Best Qigong for Beginners? Q&A

About 2 years ago, someone left these questions on one of my Yang Tai Chi 108 Form instruction videos on YouTube. 

"Hey, I was wondering, which type of Qi Gong meditation is best for begginers? And which ones are the most beneficial? How do I find the right one?"

These questions are some of the most common questions I receive.  New practitioners are often seeking the very best Qigong for them or the best Qigong in general.  I have copied my response to these questions below and I hope that this response is useful for those of you who have wondered the same things. 

"That's a great question and actually quite a huge question too. The answer depends on what you are trying to get out of your Qigong training. My favorite form of Qigong, and the one that I think every serious Taiji or Qigong practitioner should be doing regularly, is Pan Gen Qigong. 

It is a mix of post standing Qigong, which is common in most internal martial arts, and basic circle walking from Baguazhang. It is an excellent starting place for developing a solid foundation and structure. 

If you are just wanting to loosen up, stretch and feel more awake and alive, then something like the Baduanjin (8 Pieces of Brocade) Qigong set might be a good starting place. The most basic starting place is Zhan Zhuang Qigong which is just simple post-standing Qigong. Zhan Zhuang is usually the starting place for Qigong in most internal martial arts. 

However, the best Qigong is the one that you will do regularly. It does not matter how much better one might be over another if you do not enjoy it/resonate with it enough to do it regularly. I would say try several different kinds that seem like they match your goals until you find one that you will look forward to practicing regularly. There are so many types of Qigong out there and it can seem really intimidating to try to find the right one. The fact is, you will never find the right one until you start trying some. It doesn't matter which one you start with, just start. You will find the right one for you eventually."

If you have been wanting to learn Qigong, but you do not have an instructor in your local area, visit my YouTube channel where you will find over 300 free Qigong and Tai Chi instruction videos at 

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